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Obstetrics Sydney Obstetric Services

Sydney Obstetrics Services

Dr Burnet appreciates that Obstetrics is a 24/7 job. He has agreements with obstetricians of equal experience and training at each hospital where he works, in order to ensure his patients always have the highest care.

Currently Dr Burnet takes one weekend off per month, and generally takes some annual leave over Christmas and Easter.

See reviews of Dr Burnet on Google and under his directory entry on North Shore Mums.

Antenatal Care

Improve the health and wellbeing of both you and your baby before birth

Normal pregnancy and birth

The highest quality, personalised, caring service for this special time in your life

Management of complex and high risk pregnancies

Dr Burnet has over 20 years experience looking after high risk pregnancies

Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC)

Understand the different risks and benefits and make your choice with empowered with knowledge and confidence

Elective caesarean sections

Dr Burnet can advise when a planned or elective caesarean birth may be best for you and your baby

Multiple pregnancies

Manage a pregnancy with more than one fetus with confidence and experience

Traumatic experiences and births

Management of emotional and psychological distress experienced during or after childbirth

Pre-Conception Counselling

Optimise the health of you and your partner prior to pregnancy and improve health related outcomes

Recurrent Miscarriage

Miscarriage is devastatingly common. Investigate why it occurred and if you can reduce the risk of it happening again

Morning Sickness

A common symptom of pregnancy, treat and manage severe symptoms and avoid possible complications

Frequently asked Obstetrics questions

We recommend that you contact us to book your first obstetric appointment as soon as you know you are pregnant, it is preferable to begin care during the first trimester, to ensure screening and support for a healthy start to pregnancy.

Yes. A referral from your GP or specialist is required for your appointment. This is to ensure you can claim with Medicare and to keep your family GP up to date.

Additional care is required when considering medications whilst pregnant. No medication can be “guaranteed safe” during pregnancy. However, if your symptoms are severe, certain medications may be indicated.

It is especially important to control fevers and prevent dehydration while you are pregnant. If indicated, your primary care physician or dentist may order prescription medications. Please remind them that you are pregnant.

If you have any questions regarding medications during pregnancy, you can consult with Dr Burnet.

Get in touch

Contact us directly using the details below, or fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Macquarie Street Clinic

Postal address

Level 12, 183 Macquarie St Sydney
NSW 2000

Phone number
0401 249 092
Fax number
(02) 8088 6697

North Sydney Clinic

Postal address

Suite 1.03, Polaris Building 150 Pacific Highway
NSW 2060

Phone number
0401 249 092
Fax number
(02) 8088 6697

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